Sunday, 8 May 2011

Preliminary Task Finished

When creating the front cover of a school magazine, i instantly wanted to follow the typical conventions you would find within any other magazine such as putting various articles all over it. However when reviewing this idea i found that infect this wouldn't be suitable for a school magazine as it would look unprofessional and not elegant. In the end i decided that using a full bleed photo with some text informing the reader that it's a school magazine called the "Edmundian" was more suitable as it was simple yet professional, sophisticated and stylish. I thought about possibly adding another image into the picture in order to give a more professional look however, i believe that the chapel shows many connotations of the school as catholic teaching is known for it's moral values as well as it's valued education. Also the picture of the chapel used in the preliminary task shows the beautiful landscape and architecture of the school thus influencing students families or people looking at applying to St Edmunds on wanting to go there.

The college crest was placed on the magazine as i think it's suits the place where it is located on the front cover and as it is a unique crest created for St Edmunds College, it identifies with the audience that this is a item to do with St Edmunds college.
When reviewing the font style and colour used, i believe that i made a good decision as the dark font clearly stands out from the bright sky and also the style of the font is not hard to read therefore people of all ages will be able to read it, so there is a wider target audience. Even if people i not able to relate to the masthead of the magazine, the caption used just below it describes that this is the "Official St Edmunds Magazine".

When editing the picture i used a software called IPhoto. This software enabled me to change the temperature, exposure, saturation and brightness of the picture. Through this i was able to make the camera shot used more attractive to the reader. When needing to incorporate text and the St Edmunds crest i used a software called photoshop. This software had various tools such as crop, magic wand, lasso tool and text tool. When needing to enter text, i simply clicked on theta text tool and then dragged a box across the area i wanted to enter text in. From there i had to select the size, colour and style of the font that would be suitable for the magazine.
When inserting the crest into the front cover, i first had to use the background remover tool, to read the surrounding white background otherwise, when merging the crest on to the main photo, there would of been a white box covering part of the image therefore making it look unprofessional and untidy. Once i completed using the background eraser tool i dragged the crest over to the main image then placed it in a suitable place which was the top right corner. However when doing this i released that the crest was too small, so i used the image size adjustment therefore increasing it's size to make it more suitable for the magazine cover. The crest was very important as it is a unique representation of the whole school and therefore should clearly stand out. As it uses many colours the crest stand out very well against the bight sky background.

I am very pleased with how the preliminary task turned out, as by using a full bleed photo along with text that has clarity and incorporating the college crest into it, has produced a product of a refinement and  style. This experience has also let me use photoshop therefore improving my skills when designing a magazine which will help produce a better final product.

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